For Investment Enquiries Call: +234 806 030 1731


Zone Setup Process



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92 Bowery St., New York, NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

New Investors

The overall objective for adoption of Free Zones in the country is to create an enabling environment aimed at enhancing economic growth and development of export oriented manufacturing in the non-oil sector of the economy, as well as the propagation of the Nigerian content policy in the oil & gas sector in order to diversify the country's economic base, attract Foreign Direct Investment.

See Business Incentives for Investors Below

Free Zone Setup Procedure

Investors interested in investing in any of Nigeria's Free Zones are only required to follow a few simple steps.

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Why Partner with NEPZA

NEPZA is charged with promoting and facilitating local and international investments into licensed Free Zones.

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Why Invest in Nigeria

The increasing attractiveness of Nigeria's investment climate and the growing confidence in the economy.

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Duty-Free Imports

Duty-free import of raw materials, capital goods and other input for production.

100% Repatriation

Businesses are allowed full repatriation of capital, profit and dividends.

Tax Holiday

Complete tax holiday from all forms of taxes, rates and levies.

Immigration Waiver

Enjoy immigration waiver on expatriate quota.

Market Access

Permission to sell 100% of goods into domestic market.

Foreign Ownership

100% foreign ownership
of investments.

Ease of Doing Business

One-stop approvals for permits, operating license

Rent Free

Rent free land during the first 6 months of construction for government zones.

Why Invest in Nigeria

Nigeria's Economy

The increasing attractiveness of Nigeria's investment climate and the growing confidence in the economy was brought about largely by the pragmatic economic reform agenda being implemented since 1999. The reforms have resulted in transparency, accountability and openness in the way businesses are transacted coupled with the adoption of liberal and market oriented reforms.

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